Sunday, April 5, 2009

Artist Updates!

This past weekend was a busy one for the artists of Rebuilt Records. In
fact, five out of our seven roster artists played shows both Friday and
Saturday nights in places all over. Here's the recap:

* On Friday, April 3, the Goodfight sold out the venerable Eddie's Attic in Atlanta with our own Paul Reeves and Jason Harwell in tow (not to mention the amazing Sweet Alizabeth and Bonnie Bishop). The Goodfight absolutely killed their set (of which you can see HD video on Facebook... search for it).

* That same night, Micah Dalton and Jon Black (along with Ryan Horne, David Berkeley, and Kim Taylor) stopped in at the Living Room in Muncie, IN as part of the "All The Lads & A Lady" songwriters tour. By all acounts, the boys nailed it. So well, in fact...

* The very next night, Saturday, the 4th, they packed up and headed to Schuba's in Chicago. Word on the street is that somebody shot some video of the show, so look for that (and other tour updates) over at Currently, you can read about tamales. Yep, you know you want some.

* A little farther down the map here in Athens, GA, the Goodfight was
setting up for a house show extravaganza with the aforementioned Paul
Reeves, Pilot Coat, the Bride, and Jason's powerpop side project, the Warm Fuzzies. After the 'Fuzzies and Pilot Coat tore through their sets at the Springdale Prom (benefitting Young Life),
the Goodfight shut the place down. Well, actually, the police did, but
it was during the Goodfight's set. You can read J.Rich's account (and
see a little YouTube clip of the officer telling everyone to go home)
over at

*And it's not over. Micah and Jon (and the gang) are hitting up Athens, Knoxville, Birmingham, Atlanta, and Greenville on the back leg of the "All The Lads" tour this week. If you're in or around those cities, come on out!

What happens when you fight the good fight...

This video is courtesy of Christopher Rich, who captured the abrupt ending the Goodfight's set at the Springdale Prom (I guess the boys of Springdale should have looked into a permit)....

For the entire story, click on over to